Some reviews have said that Shell is a good introduction to Japanese anime for those who have never been exposed to it. It makes no effort to explain this strange world, or why the police force has recruited cyborgs in the first place. It uses complex and alien jargon - and makes references to factions - that exist only in the world of the cyborgs. It plunges us right into the thick of things without really explaining what we’re doing there, or why we’re meant to be witnessing the things we witness. Ghost In The Shell does have a sequel, but even this first one seems a little rushed.
That’s a thirty-seven episode series that evolved into two films.
I have not read the manga series off which this movie is based, but I get the feeling that no manga adaptation can truly be captured within the span of one film. We find out towards the end of the movie that even cyborgs have the desire to reproduce and have offspring, probably not in the same way that humans do, but the desire to propagate through information is still there. Here, the trio, through their hunt for this elusive villain, discovers facts about life and about themselves that prompt philosophical questions that relate back to Motoko’s own idea about what makes her a machine. As with any Japanese anime movie that’s based off a manga series, the story is deceptive, and proves to be much more complex. Their team is assigned the special task of hunting down a cyber-hacker known only as The Puppet Master, who uses his savvy to pervade government details and top secret files. For Batou, his transformation to becoming a full-fledged human being is almost complete, and he provides an insightful contrast to the desperately inquisitive nature of Motoko. Their mental energy exists as “ghosts”, living in manufactured bodies known as “shells”, which give them superhuman abilities and the power to communicate telepathically. She is the leader of a police assault team, and her partners, Batou and Ishikawa, are also cyborgs. It’s a gloomy place, and the people who live there are equally gloomy. She lives in the distant future, in a nameless city that’s always under construction and drenched in rain. What makes us human? What makes us feel and think the way we do? Are we individuals, or merely components of a larger whole? All these questions are personified in the character of Motoko Kusanagi, a cyborg eager to learn the truths of her existence through questions, explorations, and soul-searching (if she even has a soul).

Ghost In The Shell, more than anything else, questions what it really means to be human.